Mission Statement
Vision - Nkwtusten; (Through the eyes of our Ancestors) we will provide space on the land for people to connect within themselves and with source, for the intention of finding out the age-old question; ’who am I?’
Mission - A spiritual centre to inspire gathering, connection, healing and growth for all people.
About - The Wheel of Life Society (WoLS) is a home for people to gather for spiritual teachings and ceremony, the house will be sustainable, mostly off the grid using alternative energy sources such as solar and wind. As part of the healing for the human family we want to promote peace; to help one another heal and to have access to a space where we can teach one another so that we as a family can remember ‘who we are’. There will be a collective community who will work on the land and be encouraged to synchronize themselves with the natural laws of Mother Earth and our intention is to bring people together all year round.